Debugging Су-27 CM mod for FC2 4.0 mod

Still trying to debug the mod, which is so called "Су-27 CM mod for FC2 4.0", and guess what: I'm the only one who uses FC2 along with other "oldschool" Ruskies out there, but I don't mind.
Click here to download.


  1. Paintjobs for Su-27 to make it Su-35 are cool
  2. New cockpit that resembles the real Su-35
  3. 12 pylons registered as it supposed to original Su-35
  4. Lots of new weapons to try with


  1. Despite being a good aircraft, pylons 4 and 9, from a total of 12 pylons, have invisible pylons
  2. With those being invisible, any weapons that're placed on that number of pylon are "hanged" under the wing and not "float" as it's supposed to be for a real-life Su-35

Proof of Dislikes

I can't speak Russian in that official website (hard to explain, hard to translate), and my pictures here will tell you the dislikes which I might try to debug.

I've been creating a post about this in LOF. Help me out, will you?
